LGBT and the Left; Fools, Anti-Semites, or a Cruel Combination of the Two?

There is simply no other conclusion to infer.  If the left and the LGBTQBLAHBLAHBLAH+ community are not viciously anti-semitic, why else would they take the course of action that they do?  Why else would they smear Israel and promote Islam, if not for the fact that they are Muslim-apologists and abhorrent Jew-haters?  The theoretical “progressive” values (this is not how it plays out in practice) of acceptance, peace, and tolerance are all ingrained within Israeli society, while the opposite is true for Muslims, so why does the left embrace Islam, and why won’t the left endorse Israel?  Why must leftists criticize and malign Israel constantly?

[J]ust 4% of Palestinians believe gays should be accepted into society

Here are the mile-long lists of the human rights violations of all the countries that run under complete Sharia law, which as we went over in the last blog post, is the Islamic legal code: Egypt, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.  Sentences in these countries for being gay range from decades of imprisonment to death by stoning, while transgenders are commonly targeted and threatened with violence.  Considering Israel’s spotless record on the rights of gays and transgenders (Israel is the seventh best country in the world for gays, even better than both Great Britain and the United States) versus the fact that just 4% of Palestinians believe gays should be accepted into society, combined with the fact that 54% of Democrats called “the treatment of gay, lesbian, and transgender people” a “very important” issue for them in the 2016 election, it would stand to reason that leftists would be completely behind Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

[E]verything the left claims to stand for–government transparency, democracy, fair trials, diplomacy, peace, equality, etc.–is part of Israel

Just 33% of Democrats sympathize with Israel over Palestine (that number is 74% for Republicans).  This is shocking, considering that everything the left claims to stand for–government transparency, democracy, fair trials, diplomacy, peace, equality, etc.–is part of Israel.  Meanwhile, everything Palestinians and Muslims stand for is the opposite of what leftists claim to stand for.  To make matters even more dangerous, leftists time and again promote terrorism against innocent Israelis and seemingly can’t get enough of burning the Israeli flag.  What gives?

[L]eftists time and again promote terrorism against innocent Israelis and seemingly can’t get enough of burning the Israeli flag.

There are only two explanations for the left’s unfounded detestation for Israel.  Either leftists are so incompetent that they cannot see the basic truth, or they have such hatred for Jews that the truth is irrelevant (although the two being simultaneously true is a very real possibility).  Either way, there is no reason why any Jews should be voting blue, yet 70-80% of Jews still vote for Democrats in national elections.  Aren’t we Jews supposed to be intelligent?

Either leftists are so incompetent that they cannot see the basic truth, or they have such hatred for Jews that the truth is irrelevant

Perhaps one would argue that leftists are too inept to understand the fundamentals of Israel and why they should support Israel, but given the sharp contrast between the treatment of gays and transgenders in Israel versus Muslim countries, surely LGBTQABCSKIPAFEWZ+ folk would be smart enough to realize Israel is the country they should be backing.  Hell, Israel even had a gay pride parade with hundreds of thousands of people, whereas in Muslim countries one can be thrown off a building just for being gay, and just 4% of Palestinians support gays being welcomed into society.  To have a functioning brain is apparently too much to ask these days, as gays and transgenders still refuse to even tolerate those who support Israel when they should be applauding Israel.

It is either pure density on the part of the LGBTETC+ community for not realizing the truth, ferocious anti-semitism, or both.

On June 24th, the annual Chicago Dyke March was held (“dyke” is apparently slang for “lesbian”).  The march was labeled as an inclusive and “intersectional”, and yet when three attendees had the audacity to bring with them a rainbow-colored Israeli flag, they were promptly “asked” by organizers to leave.  Nevermind all the pesky facts and statistics; the paraders were told their flags were “offensive”, that the flags “made people feel unsafe”, and that the march was strictly anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian.  How can leaders of the LGBTETC+ movement be so dumb, and how can anyone with a brain be offended by a flag that represents everything they are marching for?  Those with Islamic and Palestinian flags were allowed to stay (as they should have been) despite the atrocious treatment of gays by these groups of people, yet those with the flag that represents the gold standard of gay rights are banished.  Just like by leftists, the same options exist.  It is either pure density on the part of the LGBTETC+ community for not realizing the truth, ferocious anti-semitism, or both.

[G]ays and transgenders still refuse to even tolerate those who support Israel when they should be applauding Israel.

Author: Unsilenced

Censored No More

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